Friends in Need Animal Sanctuary in need of volunteers
Fox 13, KSTU Salt Lake City – Jul 12, 2021
“Have a spare afternoon? A local non-profit is in need of some volunteers. The Executive Director of the Friends in Need Animal Sanctuary is actually asking for some help from the community, just a few simple little acts of good could go a long way. After David Curneal and his wife were tested positive for COVID, David realized that…”

Friends in Need Bake Sale
By Mike Kieffer – i84005 | Aug 25, 2017
Eagle Mountain is home to The Friends in Need Animal Rescue. “We are simply a group of people who care about the treatment, health and welfare of all animals. We come from different backgrounds, but join together in the rescue project of animals. Kim & Karen started this rescue with the goal of finding a loving home for every animal and have brought us together working towards this common goal.” Friends in Need is located on Lake Mountain Road surrounded by agricultural properties.
True to Eagle Mountain fashion, if someone is in need of help, the community will rally and supply aid where it can. To help the animal rescue, several residents organized a bake sale, with all proceeds going towards helping The Friends in Need Animal Rescue…

Five Patagonian cavies find home at rescue shelter
By Caleb Warnock – Daily Herald – | Apr 25, 2012
A cross between a rabbit, a miniature deer and a rat? However you describe them, five Patagonian cavies have been given a new home at “The Cavy Shack” in Eagle Mountain.
Patagonia is a region in South America shared by Argentina and Chile. The cavies are native there, and how five of them ended up in the western United States is not exactly clear. At some point, the cavies were rescued by an animal shelter in Montana. When that shelter shut down more than a year ago, the cavies were adopted by a rescue in Wendover. When one of the caretakers in Wendover died, the rescue was forced to downsize, and Friends In Need…

Rescue group looks to shelter yaks, water buffalo
By Caleb Warnock – Daily Herald – | Dec 3, 2011
Need a gift for that person on your list who has everything? Give a water buffalo. Or a yak.
Friends In Need, an animal rescue organization in Eagle Mountain, is looking for donations to build a winter shelter for three yaks and a water buffalo rescued from local owners over the past year. One of the yaks is a youth, born in the shelter to a mother who arrived pregnant after the owners decided they could no longer care for the animal. The all-volunteer staff has named the baby Tonka…

Dogs and friends raise money for animal shelter
By Cathy Allred – Daily Herald – | Sep 7, 2010
EAGLE MOUNTAIN — Friends in Need Stampede organizers had a healthy turn out at the Labor Day event in Eagle Mountain of 42 participants and nearly as many dogs raring to go on either the Furry Fun Run or the 5K Run.
The Stampede was a benefit for the Friends in Need animal sanctuary and rescue center in Eagle Mountain…

Abandoned horse finds new home in Eagle Mountain